About us
Our work
We want to live in a country in which immigration law and policy are based on sound evidence, promote the rule of law and are underpinned by respect for human rights and human dignity. In which no individual or family is made vulnerable or destitute or faces the denial of fundamental human rights as a result of immigration law or its application.
We want to live in a country in which the benefits of migration are celebrated and shared, with no community, migrant or non-migrant, left behind. And a country in which diverse communities are also cohesive and stable communities. In which the politics of migration do not rely on or fuel fear, division and animosity.
We are a small charity but we punch above our weight. We work toward this vision of a better Britain by:
Challenging unjust laws and practices that restrict rights and lead to discrimination;
Influencing the debate on migration and fighting against the politics of hate and fear;
Supporting vulnerable individuals & families with reliable, high-quality legal advice;
Improving the quality of advice elsewhere through training and capacity building;
Building and supporting progressive movements at the grassroots and at the national level.
Our Strategy
A society in which people are able to live safely and are treated with equal dignity and respect, regardless of where they are from or how they came to the UK.
Support people to have fulfilling lives in the UK. We challenge racist and discriminatory policies and rhetoric on immigration and educate our communities to create systemic change and improve the lives of people who move, whether they move by force or by choice.
Our objectives
- Strengthen the movement working to improve the lives of people who move, by amplifying grassroots groups and challenging the establishment.
- Use law, advocacy and the media to respond to and challenge damaging and discriminatory immigration policies and dominant narratives about migration.
- Provide high-quality legal advice and information to support people making the UK their home.
- Work as a team to make JCWI a happy, resilient and rewarding place to work by sharing knowledge, collaborating across the organisation and implementing the policies and practices we need to manage our resources effectively.
Our Values