What is the hostile environment? Who is impacted by the hostile environment? How is the hostile environment connected to the Windrush scandal? All your questions answered.
JCWI has long warned of the devastating consequences of these measures. And we’re working hard, with many others across the UK, to dismantle the Hostile Environment and fight for better, fairer policies.
Since 2012, it has been an explicit aim of Government immigration policy to create a ‘hostile environment’ for anybody unable to demonstrate their immigration status on demand. From the ‘Go Home’ vans driven through ethnically diverse neighbourhoods to passport checks in hospitals and schools, the government has worked to create a climate of fear and hostility, criminalising and impoverishing those who may find themselves without status. These are the same policies that have seen long-term residents of the UK, including members of the Windrush Generation, denied healthcare and the right to work and even detained or removed illegally.
JCWI has long warned of the devastating consequences of these measures. And we’re working hard, with many others across the UK, to dismantle the Hostile Environment and fight for better, fairer policies.
What is the hostile environment? Who is impacted by the hostile environment? How is the hostile environment connected to the Windrush scandal? All your questions answered.
Who are the Windrush generation? What is the Windrush scandal? Why did the Windrush scandal happen? All your questions answered.
A joint briefing from JCWI, Liberty and Foxglove on the digital Hostile Environment. August 2021.