Our Funders

Like many charities, we fund our work through a combination of membership fees, selling goods and services (merchandise, publications and training), donations from the general public and grants from trusts & foundations. We also have a contract with the Legal Aid Agency to provide immigration legal advice. You can learn more about our funding in our Directors’ Reports and Financial Statements.

We are grateful for the support of the following trusts and foundations providing £5,000 or more to JCWI:

  • The AB Charitable Trust
  • Barrow Cadbury Trust
  • The British Red Cross
  • The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
  • The Equality & Human Rights Commission
  • Hilden Charitable Trust
  • Paul Hamlyn Foundation
  • The Strategic Legal Fund
  • Trust for London
  • Unbound Philanthropy

We are extremely grateful to the individuals and companies who have supported us with donations of £2,500 of more, including:

  • Gift in memory of Lewis Banks
  • Chillag Family Charitable Trust
  • Eliza Southwood